Barbecue at the Beach Fundraiser

THANKS to everyone who supported our Barbecue at the Beach Fundraiser for the Chuburná Puerto School Support Program. ( El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburn á Puerto) This year's fall event was held at the Tinkey's on Tuesday October 20th and attended by over 60 friends of the Apoyo Program. Everyone accommodated the rainy start to the evening; seeking shelter in the Party Room . Some guests braved the downpour on their way from their cars to the party, laughing as they shook the rain out of hair and clothes. As the rain let up, guests wandered into the beautiful garden, dried off chairs, sat with and made new friends while enjoying the music... Director Donna Smart (left) meet the Directors from the Telchac Apoyo Program Guests from Chuburn á , Merida and yes, even New Zealand 11,540 pesos were raised in support of students needing tutoring, eye exams, glasses, access to the internet fo...