BackPack day, Saturday, August 18, 2018 10:00-1:00 made possible by the generosity of our 98 sponsors.. Thanks to Sean O´Kane who joined directors Eva, Dorothy and Jo-Anne in setting up the supplies the afternoon of August 15th and to Gord Kaytor for all the heavy lifting. . Thanks to Linda Lofstrum-Piolunek, Donna Camp and Sherri Sullivan who, together with Directors, Eva, Dorothy and Jo-Anne filled 89 backpacks on August 16th . Thanks to Donna Smart for bringing lunch.. On Saturday 112 of our students received either a backpack and/or registration fees. Books purchased by our 50 high school students will be reimbursed for receipts once school begins. SET-UP SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE LAID OUT ACCORDING TO PRIMARY, MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS BACK PACKS ARE READY TO FILL VOLUNTEERS HAVE A LIST FOR EVERY STUDENT TO USE TO FILL THAT STUDENT´S BAG... TAKING FULL BAGS TO ...