December 8... The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is observed starting with an outdoor Mass at the Port...The statue of the Virgin is taken out to the ocean with prayers said in recognition of the main resource for the area, fishing. Families make the one hour walk with the statue and banners from the Port to the Chuburna Catholic Church Occasionally they stop for a dance while fire works explode near by.. A Mariachi band serenades the Virgin as the statue and banners are carried into the church.... a solemn moment with emotion in the air. Antorchistas Guadalupanos In Mexico, how do you know when the Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe is near? That’s easy. You begin to see groups of individuals and groups, traveling on foot or by bicycle, traveling long distances as part of a promise they made to La Virgen during the year. To learn more about the history and meaning of Día de la Virgen de Guadalu...