Apoyo: Dia Desfiles

On November 20th, Mexico commemorates the Revolution of 1910-20. Students from preschool thru high school participate on the Dia de Desfiles - Day of Parades marching down the streets of Chuburna to the square led by the Police Band.  

To carry the flag is a great honor given to those students with the highest marks.

Knowledge of one's history begins early.  
                               The little ones are dressed as peasant women and armed resisters.
Gymnastics along the route 

On the cement... bare knees and smiles 

Uniforms bought with your sponsorship dollars include those worn today and for "Phys-Ed" at school throughout the year. 

Grade 5 dressed as fruit playing pretend instruments to lively music. 

 Impressive gymnastics; balance and strength; on the cement of the roadway, bare hands and knees with no mats.

Rhythmic Dancing with Pom Poms 
to Gandam Style..

Adults model healthy living by demonstrating a step class that happens three times a week in the village

Every child deserves the right to a good education and, during special events such as Dias Desfiles, to a day of proudly walking beside your friends, smiling because you are part of a school community.

For those children you sponsor who otherwise may not be part of this memory building occasion....MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS. 

BevMelchior, Marta DeQuesada , Dorothy Kaytor

Education , the key to unlock all doors



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