
Showing posts from 2013

SAX on the BEACH Fundraiser

" A picture says a thousand words" Thanks to photographer Carla Gilmore we are able to tell the story of our most recent fundraiser... .  Thanks to hosts Sherri and Dave Jones for  agreeing to host the party at their beach side garden . Beverly and Hostess Sherri                                                                                                           Dave Jones:  Host and Barbecue Master                                                                                 ...

Joyful Project #3: Middle School Computer Center

Hello everyone.    This Blog is about the  3rd and last Joyful Project  we are able to undertake with the funds raised at this and last year's Fashion Shows.  As you know, the Apoyo Program matches sponsors with students. However,  we  will never be able to ensure every student has a sponsor.  Therefore, we  do something each year for the benefit of a broader group of children in the village. Previous Blogs described how the center came about...  Here is the story of its 1st days.  The Middle School Computer Centre With the help of volunteers like local expat Carla Gilmore and local residents, Ernesto Caamel's sons, the World School members taught students the basic operation of the computers over the course of the week.  As word spread, more and more students came each day to learn.  Students took turns using the computers and attending the Ecology and Sports workshops..  There were lots of smile...

BackPacks & Uniforms..School: Here We Come

Two weeks before school started Beverly, Dorothy, Rosy and Sherry filled 74  back packs...  With mariachi music in the background, the supplies were laid out so we could swiftly fill each backpack according to the school lists.      Ready To Go A truck full, on our way to the COOPERA in Chuburna Puerto.  Jeff and Dennis set up a tent for additional shade where the photos were taken.                   Checking in with Donna first  If you attend Prepa                     Please See Bev and Carla  This way for socks  Barb and Kathy have your size! Sue and Jeff hand out backpacks in exchange for the letters to the sponsors.  The Final Step:  Proud in their uniforms with backpacks for photographer Sonia.     ...


We are excited about sharing the milestones your students experience.  Graduation is one of the biggest.  First from Primaria, then Secundaria and finally, Prepa.  A QUICK LESSON IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM HERE: Primaria = grades 1-6 Secundaria - grades 1, 2, and 3 are equal to our grades 7-9 Prepa - grades 10-12 GRADUATING from PRIMARIA    We almost couldn't recognize our Apoyo graduates. Jeisler, Heider, Yael ( in the back)  Fabrizio, Marieli, Margely  The dances are from various parts of mexico.. These photos tell it all!                               One of our Apoyo students, Marieli, gave the valedictory address. THE GRADS LOOKED "Muy Guapos/Guapas" DRESSED IN  BLUE AND DEMONSTRATING THE DANCE THEY WILL DO WHEN THE GIRLS TURN 15.  ( the most important of birthdays)  The evening ended wi...