Joyful Project #3: Middle School Computer Center

Hello everyone.   This Blog is about the 3rd and last Joyful Project we are able to undertake with the funds raised at this and last year's Fashion Shows.  As you know, the Apoyo Program matches sponsors with students. However,  we  will never be able to ensure every student has a sponsor.  Therefore, we  do something each year for the benefit of a broader group of children in the village. Previous Blogs described how the center came about...  Here is the story of its 1st days. 

The Middle School Computer Centre

With the help of volunteers like local expat Carla Gilmore and local residents, Ernesto Caamel's sons, the World School members taught students the basic operation of the computers over the course of the week.  As word spread, more and more students came each day to learn. 

The Principal and teachers of the Secundaria School ( grades 7,8,9) work with several parents who agreed to supervise the computer center after school.  Students are able to use the computers after school for homework with the teachers' permission based on their behaviour in the classroom and attention to school work.  We hope that as the students become more and more comfortable with the computers there will be a direct result of increased attendance after school. 

The centre is also open every morning to our Prepa students who go to school in the afternoons.  

Local expats plan to offer opportunities for the students to broaden their knowledge of and comfort level with the computers.  PS.. if you are interested in helping us out with this please let us know.  ... what a fun way to share your computer knowledge and practice your Spanish. 

 "Computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog."  ~Doug Larson

On another note, we are looking for gently used laptops that can be reprogrammed with Spanish software so that as students move on from high school they can have the tools necessary for college. Who knows, it may be the beginning of  a new incentive program for students to continue with their education :

Till next time 
Bev, Marta and Dorothy


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