Successful Fundraiser
The Making of a Successful Fashion Show Fundraiser : On January 26, 2013, at Casa Namasté , 54,000 pesos were raised for the Apoyo Chuburna Puerto Escolar Program. As in any successful recipe all ingredients are inter-dependent on each other. And so it is with this 3rd annual Fashion Show. THE INGREDIENTS: * Many donations of gently used & new women’s clothing from women who live here and those who visit. * 1 woman whose passion it is to coordinate outfits from many of the donated clothes, to find models, and to write and read the descriptions of the outfits worn during the show. 1 woman who manages every detail, recruiting and working closely with the volunteers, to ensure a venue, a dresser for each model, waiters, chairs, tables, sound system, music, tickets & programs, raffle & auction items, refreshments and food. * 7 people to ensure the Models' & Boutique clothing is clean...