Successful Fundraiser

The Making of a Successful Fashion Show Fundraiser:

On January 26, 2013, at Casa Namasté, 54,000 pesos were raised for the Apoyo Chuburna Puerto  Escolar Program. 

As in any successful recipe all ingredients are inter-dependent on each other.  And so it is with this 3rd annual Fashion Show.

* Many donations of gently used & new women’s clothing from women who live here and those who visit.

* 1 woman whose passion it is to coordinate outfits from many of the donated clothes, to find models, and to write and read the descriptions of the outfits worn during the show.

1 woman who manages every detail, recruiting and working closely with the volunteers, to ensure a venue, a dresser for each model, waiters, chairs, tables, sound system, music, tickets & programs, raffle & auction items, refreshments and food.

* 7 people to ensure the Models' & Boutique clothing is clean, ironed and priced  

                               * 6 models modeling over  40 outfits; plus one pirate:  



* 6 dressers meeting with the models to plan the day of helping them in and out of over 40 outfits.  

* 2 co-hosts

* 1 auctioneer & 5 In"purse"inators.  Each purse held an auction item...Sunset Cruise, Sailboat Cruise, Spa Day at Barefoot in the Sands, Progreso, 3 Nights at Flamingos Inn - Chuburna, 2 Nights at Casa de Luz-Merida

* 1 creator of 60 centre pieces for the tables

* 1 translator whose skill ensured our "comfy seating"

* 11 generous donors of raffle & auction items.

 *10 men to tend 2 bars and wait on the women in attendance.

* 1 Sol beer company

* 4 people to collect tickets  & sell more for the raffle & drinks

* 4 people on the Food Committee


* 1 Chuburna School, Telesecundaria Salvador Alvarado, for the audio system 

* 1 music person

* 1 photographer

* 1 couple who provide the venue

* 10 donors of tiles, buckets, umbrellas, tents and lights

* 150 guests who purchase tickets to attend and then spent more money on refreshments, the raffle, the auction and the boutique.



MIX WELL and magic happens on behalf of the well-being and education of the children of Chuburna Puerto.

We have come together since the show to review the ingredients so the recipe for next year is even better. One improvement will be to the Boutique as we plan for more room to shop and to privately try on the clothes. 

 We continue to count on you and your friends for donations of gently used clothing collected throughout the year. Without this KEY INGREDIENT there would be NO SHOW. 

Please contact any of us, about the clothing, volunteering next year or about the work we do. Watch future BLOGS  for reports on how the funds are used.

 Muchisimas Gracias
Directors;Chuburna Puerto Apoyo Escolar Program.: 
Bev Melchior;  999-129-3608
Marta DeQuesada; 999-146-0788
Dorothy Kaytor ; 999-190-2728  


  1. Woohoo!!Great job ladies!! The work you do for such a wonderful cause! Keep up the good work! Maybe one year I can be there. Wouldn't that be nice!
    Take Care!
    Cristina de Quesada


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