AT The HOP!.. Successful 5th Annual Fashion Show
What a success!!!... We made 35,600 pesos profit on a beautiful day in Our New Venue 3 Potrillos Event Centre, Progreso MX. Rob, Luis and Yennie from Robert Abuda Salon in Merida worked their magic. Librarian Barb Harris waltzed in with Buddy Holly and kept us all in line at THE HOP.. SHE WORE an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polked Dot Bikini The models had fun dancing to the music of the 50's Our photo booth was busy Our Waiters do THE STROLL Elvis.......had everyone up dancing during Intermission Our Raffle and Auction items this year were amazing thanks to our generous donors. Auctioneer Dave Jones wore his "White Sport Coat with a Pink Carnation" Our Finale: Lollipop , Lollipop More toe tapping, hand clapping, dancing.. The show ended with ...