Our New Office/Computer Centre

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, EMA We are so very fortunate to be receiving an annual donation from a very generous couple who wishes to remain anonymous. This donation is specifically given to us for the purpose of operating and maintaining an office/computer centre in Chuburná Puerto. The building, in the past, housed a community recycling service and is located on the property of Amira and Rubén who live next door. They have given us free use of the building so we only pay for electricity and water. We have hired a young local woman, Ema, who speaks Spanish and English to staff the office Mon.- Fri. from 8:00 - 11:00 and Tues - Fri. from 4:00 - 8:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 - 1:00. She has already proven invaluable, helping us translate the thank-you letters written by our 95 students; answering questions when parents drop by, developing our inventory in spanish and english, updating each student's account with the supp...