The Gifts That Keeps on Giving (Bazar y Inauguracíon)
Hello everyone... Yesterday was our successful CLOTHING SALE & OPEN HOUSE for our Office/Computer Centre in Chuburná Puerto...

BEFORE THE RIBBON CUTTING we sold the clothes many of you bring to us in your suitcases each year.

BOUTIQUE SALES of which we made 11,000 pesos.
ON SALE for the WOMEN OF CHUBURNA PUERTO where we made 2,300 pesos for the maintenance of the laptops their children use at the centre.

Everyone was excited and wanted to know when we are doing this again.
Principal Martín ( Primary School) and Principal Sergio ( Middle School) talk with our administrator, Ligia about the Computer Centre and its value to their students.
Student Diana Estefany Villajuana Canché cut the ribbon held by Ligia and student volunteer, Brian Martín Mut who hopes one day to be in the program.
David Caamal Caamal and family ( D'David's restaurant in town) for the donation of the Lemonade
Abraham Gomez for serving the lemonade and helping with anything else we needed him to do.
Diana Estefany Villajuana Canché & Brian Enrique Martín Mut for volunteering and to their teacher Virginia for giving them the time off of school
Alice Archer and Linda Little, members of the Fashion Show Boutique Committee; and Ginny Laroi, for moving, setting up the clothing and helping our cashier, Bev.
Principals Sergio and Martín for joining us
On behalf of the program, a most special thanks to those of you who bring us your gently used clothing, THE GIFTS THAT KEEPS ON GIVING...
Bev, Dorothy, Donna, Ben, Jo-Anne and Eva
El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburna Puerto.
These are the gifts that keep on
MODEL CLOTHES at the Fashion Show
BOUTIQUE SALES of which we made 11,000 pesos.
ON SALE for the WOMEN OF CHUBURNA PUERTO where we made 2,300 pesos for the maintenance of the laptops their children use at the centre.
Everyone was excited and wanted to know when we are doing this again.
SO please keep packing & bringing those gently used clothes .
Principal Martín ( Primary School) and Principal Sergio ( Middle School) talk with our administrator, Ligia about the Computer Centre and its value to their students.
David Caamal Caamal and family ( D'David's restaurant in town) for the donation of the Lemonade
Abraham Gomez for serving the lemonade and helping with anything else we needed him to do.
Diana Estefany Villajuana Canché & Brian Enrique Martín Mut for volunteering and to their teacher Virginia for giving them the time off of school
Alice Archer and Linda Little, members of the Fashion Show Boutique Committee; and Ginny Laroi, for moving, setting up the clothing and helping our cashier, Bev.
Principals Sergio and Martín for joining us
On behalf of the program, a most special thanks to those of you who bring us your gently used clothing, THE GIFTS THAT KEEPS ON GIVING...
Bev, Dorothy, Donna, Ben, Jo-Anne and Eva
El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburna Puerto.
Great job Ladies!!