BackPack Day 2017-18 School Year

May to August is a very busy, some would even say, CRAZY.. time Purchasing school supplies based on individual grade supply lists x the number of students in each grade. Making arrangements with Tienda Erida on Calle 29 in Progreso for the uniforms, and Zapateria El Almirante on Calle 80 in Progreso for the shoes. Our students order their uniforms and shoes without paying. Once all students have received their uniforms and shoes, we arrange to pay on their behalf. Both tiendas were very accommodating and helpful. Ordering the backpacks which this year we had made at Tienda Esperanza Calle 41 x 60 y 62, Merida ... The quality appears to be the best we have had.. coupled with very good service. Measurements are taken at the office by Ligia and Alina ( the school secretary) for 40 Telesecundaria students to order their special school shirts in time for the photos we take on BackPack Day. Conducting 20 Home...