
Showing posts from 2018


BackPack day, Saturday, August 18, 2018 10:00-1:00 made possible by the generosity of our 98 sponsors..  Thanks to Sean O´Kane who joined directors Eva, Dorothy and Jo-Anne in setting up the supplies the afternoon of August 15th and  to Gord Kaytor for all the heavy lifting.  .   Thanks to Linda Lofstrum-Piolunek, Donna Camp and Sherri Sullivan who, together with Directors, Eva, Dorothy and Jo-Anne filled 89 backpacks on August 16th .  Thanks to Donna Smart for bringing lunch..  On Saturday 112 of our students received either a backpack and/or registration fees.  Books purchased by our 50 high school students will be reimbursed for receipts once school begins.  SET-UP SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE LAID OUT ACCORDING TO PRIMARY, MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS BACK PACKS ARE READY TO FILL  VOLUNTEERS HAVE A LIST FOR EVERY STUDENT TO USE TO FILL THAT STUDENT´S BAG...   TAKING FULL BAGS TO ...


We held the first English Classes at our office Saturday mornings from April to June 16, 2018.  The curriculum was created by Candace Ducharme and the program was first administered by Myrla Boesch and then Sonya Damon.   It could not have happened without our wonderful volunteers:  Jim & Candace Ducharme, Sonya Damon, Frances Cunningham, Mindy Mathius, Phyllis Nordhoff, Myra King and Jennifer Moore   The classes are open to all students of  Chuburn á...not just those in our Program  The students who attended were:  Axel, Brigitte, Dana, Dariana, Eli, Habacuc,  Josué , Laura Patricia, Meily, Mia, Marintya, & Ruth   It was such a success that Candace and Sonya are going to offer it again with the help of volunteers on Saturday mornings for one hour from October thru to next June...2018-19. If you would like to be part of this rewarding activity please contact Mean...

New Computers & Faster Internet for Homework

CROWD FUNDING SUCCESS:  WE HAVE 10 NEW DESKTOPS AND IMPROVED INTERNET FOR STUDENTS TO USE FOR HOMEWORK!.. and not just our students in the program, but any Chuburná Puerto student! GRACIAS to Everyone who made a donation to our Crowd Funding Effort and who encouraged others to do the same.   Our goal was 100,000 pesos for the purchase of 10 new computers.  We raised 57,000 and will match that amount with funds raised at our Fashion Show.  Gracias to Tony Hugh for creating the Crowd Funding site and video which so very well depicted our work.  Gracias  to Israel Roch é  Nadal, in Progreso for working with us and to Director Nora Nevers for taking the lead on this and working with him.  Israel built the computers to match the needs of the students including expandable memory. He and Nora spent several days installing them. Gracias to IDT Digital for continuing to donate the first 4 megabytes of internet for free. We purchased an ...