We held the first English Classes at our office Saturday mornings from April to June 16, 2018.  The curriculum was created by Candace Ducharme and the program was first administered by Myrla Boesch and then Sonya Damon.

 It could not have happened without our wonderful volunteers: Jim & Candace Ducharme, Sonya Damon, Frances Cunningham, Mindy Mathius, Phyllis Nordhoff, Myra King and Jennifer Moore

The classes are open to all students of Chuburná...not just those in our Program 

The students who attended were:
 Axel, Brigitte, Dana, Dariana, Eli, Habacuc, Josué, Laura Patricia, Meily, Mia, Marintya, & Ruth  

It was such a success that Candace and Sonya are going to offer it again with the help of volunteers on Saturday mornings for one hour from October thru to next June...2018-19. If you would like to be part of this rewarding activity please contact dorothy@apoyochuburna.com.

Meanwhile this summer, the English class students wanted to keep coming so Sonya and her amazing volunteers offered English Summer Camp from July 23 to Aug.10th. 10:00-11:30 and 1:00 -2:30.  It was great fun, mostly games and activities using only English and open to all students in the village. Thank you Sonya, Linda Loftstrom-Piolunek, Myra King, Phyllis Nordhoff, Sherri Sullivan, Sean O´Kane, Tammy Jordan, Paula Fishman.

Students: Angel, Axel, Brigette, Danilu, Dana, Dariana, Darianna, Eleazar, Eli, Itali, Habacuc, Jessica, Jesus, Jehu, Lupita, Mia, Nahomy, Ruth, Silvana, Yesica, Zabdiel. 
Find the Word and Say It 

Using Duolingo 

BINGO is a favorite way to learn numbers...

The final class was a Fun Morning where the teams of students moved thru 5 stations demonstrating their ability to read/print and say English words. ( Scrabble, Word Search, Clothing, Body Parts and The Collage) 
Thanks to Colleen, Christine, Sam and Zoe for volunteering your time to help out at this event. 

Write it and Name It 

Which Body Part Do You Have 

Perfect Attendance.. Habacuc, Eleazar, Ruth, Brigette, Eli

1st Place : Jesus, Dariana, Ruth, Nahomy
2nd Place.. Eleazar, Silvana, Yesica, Jehu
3rd Place: Brigette, Danilu, Eli, Angel

Of Course there was food and treats 


The students study English in school starting in grade 7 
(secondary school) but, most often, with teachers 
who cannot speak English... 

So the ability to hear & speak it with our volunteers is a gift we can give to the students of Chuburná  Puerto.  


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