We support the students outside of the classroom with.:
Computers & Internet for Homework for all Chuburnà students
English Classes & Camp for all Chuburnà students
Free Tutoring for program students
COMPUTERS & INTERNET FOR HOMEWORK See the BLOG Computers and Internet for Homework
ENGLISH CLASSES started in the fall of 2017 under the direction of volunteer Myrla Boesch with volunteers, Sonya Damon, Candace & Jim Ducharme, Mike Smyth & Dee Finlay, Phyllis Nordhoff, Mindy Mathius, Myra King and Frances Cummings.
It has evolved to a program offered every Saturday morning from 11:00 to 12:00 at our office in Chuburná under the direction of Sonya Damon. Candace Ducharme created 10 lesson plans to guide the work of the volunteers who work in pairs. The students have scribbler-workbooks and homework so we are beginning to see a core group return each week.
ENGLISH CAMP: held three weeks every summer, two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon, as an opportunity for the students to experience activities in English. It is run by volunteers and will be an extension of our English Classes.
Gracias to Kerrin & Glenne Frank for a generous donation to start our Tutoring Fund. Additional funds come from our Fundraising events.
Students need a grade point average of 8 or better to be eligible for the program. Once in the program they are expected to try to maintain that grade point average.
All students with grades under 7 out of 10 are eligible for free tutoring help, especially those who have failing grades..
Failing students receive a home visit and letter from two Directors reminding parents that failing students may be asked to leave the program depending on the efforts they are making to improve their grade(s). The letter includes contact information for our tutors. Often, with the help of our administrator Ligia we arrange the first meeting between the student and Tutor at the office.
Gracias to Jennifer Moore, George Remington, Alan Markert and Valarie Huebner who speak spanish and volunteer to tutor.
Gracias to several local university students who we pay to tutor.
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