
Showing posts from July, 2013


We are excited about sharing the milestones your students experience.  Graduation is one of the biggest.  First from Primaria, then Secundaria and finally, Prepa.  A QUICK LESSON IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM HERE: Primaria = grades 1-6 Secundaria - grades 1, 2, and 3 are equal to our grades 7-9 Prepa - grades 10-12 GRADUATING from PRIMARIA    We almost couldn't recognize our Apoyo graduates. Jeisler, Heider, Yael ( in the back)  Fabrizio, Marieli, Margely  The dances are from various parts of mexico.. These photos tell it all!                               One of our Apoyo students, Marieli, gave the valedictory address. THE GRADS LOOKED "Muy Guapos/Guapas" DRESSED IN  BLUE AND DEMONSTRATING THE DANCE THEY WILL DO WHEN THE GIRLS TURN 15.  ( the most important of birthdays)  The evening ended wi...


 Thanks to our 60 sponsors for your ongoing support for  80 students ( 45 girls and 35 boys) 24 Primaria ( grades 1-6) 25 Secundaria (grades 7-9) 27 Prepa ( grades 10-12) 4 College    and for responding so quickly to our request for your sponsorship fees!.   The students finished this past school year on July 12th.  They will return to school on August 19th in their new uniforms, sporting a new backpack full of school supplies all because of your generosity.  Here is a look at what getting ready for the next school year is all about: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL   ... the parents come to the school to write down the supply list from a master list on the wall.....  Bev and I met with the Apoyo parents to make copies of their children's marks so we could get them to you in a timely manner..... ; the Secundaria marks come from the school secretary and the Prepa students are responsible for getting them to us ASAP... Other than this o...


Construction is fast and furious at the Tele-Secundaria School in Chuburna  &   Emails between the World School in Boston and ourselves are many as we plan for the August 9th arrival of 9 wonderfully generous members of the School...each carrying 4 large pieces of luggage full of donated computers and monitors. They will install the computers, networked so a supervising adult can make sure they are only used for school work; provide computer training for Peer Leaders and the incoming Grade 7 students; as well as, conduct sports, fitness, ecology clinics for the children.  The Roof is on Contractor Don Lauro from Chuburna Puerto and a big supporter of our program, fit us into his busy schedule and is donating a portion of the labour costs. Measuring for the Protectors  Holes in the wall to anchor the cement shelf for 10 computers YOU TOO CAN "OWN' A PART OF THIS PROJECT:   So far we have received donations for the air conditioner and...