Thanks to our 60 sponsors for your ongoing support for 
80 students ( 45 girls and 35 boys)

24 Primaria ( grades 1-6)
25 Secundaria (grades 7-9)
27 Prepa ( grades 10-12)
4 College  
and for responding so quickly to our request for your sponsorship fees!.  

The students finished this past school year on July 12th.  They will return to school on August 19th in their new uniforms, sporting a new backpack full of school supplies all because of your generosity. 

Here is a look at what getting ready for the next school year is all about:

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL ... the parents come to the school to write down the supply list from a master list on the wall.....  Bev and I met with the Apoyo parents to make copies of their children's marks so we could get them to you in a timely manner..... ; the Secundaria marks come from the school secretary and the Prepa students are responsible for getting them to us ASAP... Other than this one time, all parents are expected to ensure the marks are in the mailbox at the library throughout the rest of the year.  

In Merida with our indispensable pull behind cart on wheels.
BACKPACKS: this year we found a supplier in Merida who made  the bags to our specifications... most importantly the double stitching to ensure durability.  
Dorothy, Bev and Marta with Tony who has been cutting out the material for 30 years. Behind us are cardboard patterns.
  It takes 2 hours to cut and assemble each back pack. 
Picking them up 10 days later.. These ones have wheels so the Primary students do not have to carry their many books. 

Surprisingly, the school supply lists here are not very different from the ones children bring home in Canada and the United States. 
 It is no wonder many children do not go to school.
 Bev  purchased cases and cases of scribblers, duo-tang folders, file cards, note books, pens, felt markers, pens, pencils etc.  The many generous donations of USB sticks, colored pencil crayons, felt markers, scientific calculators and back packs help to offset the cost which increases each year.  

UNIFORMS :  Socks, Socks and more Socks:  132 pairs of girls socks from a supplier in Progreso and 93 pairs of boys socks at Walmart...

We provide a list of our students to the local uniform and shoe stores after negotiating price and what our students will need.  During our home visits we give the students a green card which they take to the local uniform store in Progreso. They are measured for their shirts, pants/skirts, and a light-weight jacket.  The yellow card we give them is for one pair of shoes  provided by a local shoe store. 

Then we are billed for what the students receive and we pay it using your sponsorship fees. 

On August 17th all 76 students will arrive at the COOPERA ( a women's service centre in the village)  in their uniforms, with letters to their sponsors in exchange for the backpack full of supplies.  We take their photo which we send to you and give to the family. 

HOME VISITS:  While Bev makes sure we have all the required school supplies, organizes the marks, and sets up the accounting books for the next school year, Marta and I did Home Visits. 

What a humbling experience as we come face to face with the difficulties and blessings of life in Chuburna.  

Although each family is unique there are common themes:

* hard to find work when there is no fishing; although there is much construction at the beach, many crews are from Merida.

* working at many jobs to make ends meet while trying to also be attentive to the needs of the children, in particular, their school work. 

* divorce, drinking and drugs within families and extended families are constant challenges as are concerns about who their children are playing with and being influenced by.

* regardless of how poor they are, we were invited to share in what they have and they find joy in family and friends.  We laughed often.

* they expressed such gratefulness for the apoyo program often with tears in their eyes.  One father told us that "  we had no idea how important the program is to the papas who struggle to provide for their children and who want a better life for their children which means getting an education..."  

* how important getting to know the sponsors is to many of the children.  Most asked questions about their sponsors. One little guy hesitantly asked us  if he could have a photo of his padrino and if he could know more about him. Others wondered if their padrinos were coming to visit them. 

The visits reaffirmed for me, as a director of the program, but more importantly, as a sponsor, how great a gift we provide for so little. 

“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” 

Working on your behalf
Dorothy Kaytor, Beverly Melchior, and Marta de Quesada.


La educación, la llave para abrir todas las puertas
Education, the key to unlock all doors




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