Apoyo News Updates: Who are your directors

Hello everyone....As you will see we have been very busy on your behalf since the September Fundraiser:

1) Packaging the student photos and jackets 

2) Organizing the building of a more permanent shelter for the Primary School paid for with fundraising dollars. Two years ago, the parents cleared the space and poured cement as partners with us in creating a shelter for the students. Unfortunately the vinyl material on the tent structures could not withstand the intense sun, heat and winds... 

Before long, we had the frames with no covers.  On to plan B:  We sold the tent frames and hired a local crew to erect a more permanent structure.  Because of our contribution the school was able to secure funds for new classroom tables and chairs.  Some of the older ones will be placed under the shelter for lunch time and, we suspect, additional classroom space...  

3) New sponsors and Home visits:  Our program continues to grow because of your promotion... These past few months we have welcomed 5 new students into the program.   Director, Donna Smart invites new sponsors to meet their families when possible, organizing and facilitating the initial meeting. 

Current Numbers: 
88 students ...  25 primary, 33 middle school, 30 high school
73 sponsors 

Bev and Donna conduct most of the home visits as needed when parents have questions, or low student marks deem the need for a visit. 

4) Fashion Show Fundraiser: When Mary Walberg decided to step away from coordinating the Fashion Show, a group of amazing women rose to the occasion along with over 56 volunteers. Bev and Dorothy work with the committee.

 This 5th annual event will happen on January 29th and is SOLD OUT!   180 guests will be rocking to music of the 50's as we raise funds for our GUST fund and computer labs. 

5) As the program grows, so too does the need for more directors:  Ben Tinkey has joined us as a director; primarily responsible for Technology.  With the Computer Center at the School and another under development for the library, his move to Chuburná Puerto and joining us is very timely..  

He has taken the lead on:
- supporting the computer lab at the school and is working with Dorothy on improving the internet at the library where we also have 4 computers. 
- development of a Website and program specific email address.  
- making sure we are following our by-laws, 
- creating operational policies relative to our being a registered charity in Mexico. 

Beverly Melchior

I was born in Whitehorse, Yukon, and raised in a military family that instilled a love of travel as we moved from coast to coast in Canada and parts of Europe.  As an adult I settled in British Columbia, working in banking primarily, and then within the tourism industry. Roy and I always knew we would be retiring in Mexico, and in 2007 we moved to Chuburná Puerto permanently.   We have always felt that to truly belong within a community, we needed to participate and help as we could, where we could.

One of the sad truths apparent from the beginning,  was that a number of local children were not graduating, leaving school soon after grade 6, as their families were unable to financially support the extra costs. Believing that education was imperative for a better future for these children, I, along with other like-minded individuals, founded the Chuburná Puerto Apoyo Program.  The program grew from concept to fact, starting with matching sponsors for 6 students, in 2010.

As the program continues to develop and grow under the directorship of dedicated individuals, I look forward to an exciting future, and all that it offers for this wonderful community.

Given my experience in banking, being  the keeper of the financial and student accounts is the largest of the many hats I wear for the program.


Although I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I lived the majority of my life in Southern California. Over the years, I have traveled extensively through multiple countries, but chose to settle in this area because of my interest in the Spanish language, the Mayan culture, and my affinity for the beach.  My friend and I purchased our home in 2005, but we did not begin living here full time until 2010.

I was a Spanish teacher for 41 years  for the ABC Unified School District in Cerritos, California  and believe like Nelson Mandela that  "Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world."  This is why I became a teacher/educator, and why I believe in and support El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburná Puerto A.C..  My contribution to the program lies in facilitating communication between the English speaking community and the Spanish speaking community.                                                      

Dorothy Kaytor

My youth was spent in and around Stony Mountain, Manitoba, Canada.  I will always be grateful to a high school teacher who took a special interest in my desire to work with preschool children. It was because of her that my professional life started at a local community college and continued on to include every aspect of early childhood care and education.

Over the course of 37 years, I was the director of a child care centre, provided family child care when my own 2 children were young, worked for the provincial government as a licensing officer for family child care and later as a consultant, directed the largest early childhood association in the country, taught early childhood education at a local college and coordinated early childhood & education activities in Manitoba and BC.

So although I thought perhaps I would be drawn to another avenue for volunteering it was not to be…  The mission and practice of the Apoyo program in Chuburná Puerto spoke to everything I believe regarding children and their education. Besides I had to find a way to keep getting hugs from children.

My husband Gord and I have made Chuburná  Puerto our full time home since 2011 and I am proud to be a Director primarily responsible for Communications.

Ben Tinkey

I was born and raised in San Jose, California. I worked as a community bank executive for most of my adult life on the central coast of California, where  I developed a passion for working with non-profit organizations as both their banker and a director of the organizations.

My wife and I purchased a home and moved full time to this area in January 2014.

I strongly believe in and support El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburná Puerto A.C.  and their mission to foster the education and well-being of school aged children (4th grade thru high school) in Chuburná Puerto, Yucatan Mexico.  I hope that through my efforts, the children of Chuburna will continue to get financial support from a financially strong, well run community based non-profit organization.  My contribution to the program is in the area of technology.  

Jo-Anne Hugh: joined the Board in May 2015
I was born in Ontario, Canada but moved to North Vancouver, British Columbia when I was very young. I lived and worked in a variety of both rural and urban communities throughout the province until my husband and I retired to Chuburná Puerto in 2014.
My background is in the financial world as well as the non-profit sector. Most recently I was a manager for a large automobile insurance company. As the only full time manager in an office of 35 staff, I was called upon to do a variety of tasks over and above managing my direct staff who dealt with people who had been injured in an accident.
Prior to this I worked for 9.5 years at the United Way of the Lower Mainland which is one of the largest United Ways in Canada. Some of my responsibilities included;developing and delivering training materials, supervising staff, running a direct mail campaign and acting as a labour liaison with the trade union movement. For 3 years I was the Assistant Director of Development and worked closely with the Director as we raised millions of dollars for non-profit organizations throughout the local community.
I have also been a long time trade union activist and I believe strongly in the motto of the Labour movement that states: “What we wish for ourselves, we desire for all”.  To me this all starts with education of our children and what better way to be involved with our new community than to meld this belief with the Apoyo Program to help the children of Chuburná Puerto with their education. My main area of responsibility will be managing the family applications, the waiting list and student files as they relate to correspondence and grades.  
We are honored to work on your behalf:
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!   

Directors: Bev, Dorothy, Donna and Ben

El Programa de Apoyo Escolar de Chuburná Puerto A.C.
Chuburná Puerto School Support Program 
La educación, la llave para abrir todas las puertas
Education, the key to unlock all doors



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