Christmas in Chuburna Puerto

Christmas In All It's Glory 

The Nativity 

Cultural Dancing 

Christmas songs 

Santa Hats &

Even the Devil came to play. 

The courtyard of the school was buzzing as everyone arrived. 

Last Minute Adjustments 

We are ready and excited 

 Many of us will remember being part of a nativity play at the Xmas Concert; perhaps our own children as "angels".. 


Las Pastorelas:  Dating back to colonial times, Shepherd Plays are light hearted stories about the shepherds adoration of the Christ child.  First they are visited by an angel announcing the birth.  As they try to make their way to Bethlehem they are plagued by a series of evils and misadventures provoked by the devil who does not want them to reach their destination. ( from Yucatan Today) 

Lots of Christmas trees, cards and ornaments made by the children out of recycled materials were on display.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 

Your Program Directors Bev, Donna, Ben and Dorothy

****Thanks to Director Donna and friend Carla for the wonderful photos......... 


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