End of the 2014-15 school year

As the school year ended, Ceremonies to celebrate achievements are held. Thanks to photographers, Directors Donna Smart and Ben Tinkey plus volunteer Tony Hugh we have some photos to share. 

Friday July 10th: 8:00 a.m at the Primary School in Chuburna Puerto  AND 
6:30 July 16th Fiesta " Heels, Boots and Sombreros."  

The Awards Ceremony  celebrates the highest grade point averages ..many of whom are the students in our program.. All such events begin with the Escolta ( flag ceremony conducted by girls with the highest grades and demonstrating exemplary ethical and civic behaviour. )
Older girls carry the flags 
Younger girls in training... 
                                            Arms across the chest as the Mexican anthem is played.

 Hilda Yanet Sosa Sosa                    Fernanda Evelin Sosa Pool          Nadia Guadalupe Cab Tzab

Merly Daiana Fierro Chi

Lezli Adriana Tzab Pool 

Kevin Mutul Pech 

                  Directors Ben & Jo-Anne participated:  Maria de los Angeles Pistre Chunab

One of our newest students: Shayti Noemi Palomar Pech who worked
really hard to improve her grades to be eligible for the program.

Ana Patricia Pistre Chunab

Oswaldo Alonzo Tzb Martin 

Serafin Isaias Pech Cab
Addy Elizabeth Tzab Ramirez

Students graduating from Primary to Middle School in Chuburna ... Maria de los Angeles Pistre Chunab, Nadia Guadalupe Cab Tzab, Serafin Isaisis Pech Cab , Angeles Teresita Tzab Pech, Jimena de los Angeles Martin Uc, and Shayti Noemi Palomar Pech
Addy Elizabeth Tzab Ramirez ( will attend the private Progreso Secundaria because of sponsorship &  extended family financial support) 
Oswaldo Alonzo Tzab Martin ( will attend the private Progreso Secundaria with additional financial support from of his sponsor)
Nahomy Raquel Gomez Sosa ( her graduation celebration was in Merida where she has a sports
scholarship: )
Our graduates Addy and Oswaldo join two classmates in recognizing the 
contributions of one of their teachers. 
Nahomy Raquel Gomez Sosa is graduating into Middle School at a
Sports Centre for Excellence in Merida.
 She excels in Kayaking 

The evening was alive with performances of dancing featuring heels, boots and sombreros!!! 


TeleSecundaria School 
Graduation  & Awards Ceremony:  Wednesday, July 15:  
7:30 p.m. at the 
The following students will be graduating into high school.  Our largest group ever, 14 out of 37. 
Elias Jimenez Tut, Evangelina de la Cruz Flores Chale, George Augusto Osalde Pech, Jennifer Arleth Mena Tzab, Jorge Gerardo Tzab Sosa, Jose Gaspar Caamal Caamal, Litzy Mirely Castro Piste, Maria Anastacia Pech Chi, Maria Jose May Ku, Rodrigo Fernando Can Cauich, Yina Brizet Caamal Tzab, Miguel Jesus Ku Sosa, and Didier Moises Caamal Yah
Miguel Gualberto Puc Castro ( has been accepted into the prestigious Prepa Uno in Merida, because of his exemplary grades & initiative)

   The evening featured a celebration of the Yucatan Culture:
MC: Teacher Virginia Castillo Verde  

Director Dorothy Kaytor and
President of the Parent Association, Minerva Sosa Castro are
wearing the traditional Ternos; ready to join others at the head table
to hand out awards.

Our student, Didier Moises Caamal Yah is the Valedictorian 

Our student Gualberto Puc Castro
helps with the Introductions

Elias, Miguel, Jorge, Rodrigo, Litzy and Didier take a break from the celebrations

Awards for highest grade point averages : Jose Gaspar, Didier Moises, Litzy Mirely,                                                                               Miguel Gualberto,  Jorge Gerardo  and Jennifer Arleth.
Aimee Xiodani Caamal Jimenez 
Cynthia Concepcion Pech Caamal
Esteban Gilberto Caballero Calixto
Thank you to sponsors who have decided to continue with the program by taking a younger student now that their student has achieved the goal of a high school diploma. 

Congratulations to all the graduates, their parents, family members, Apoyo sponsors and supporters who together achieve and celebrate these milestones. 

Muchisimas Gracias
Directors: Beverly Melchior, Dorothy Kaytor, Donna Smart, Ben Tinkey and Jo-Anne Hugh



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