Fashion Show 2020 "Celebrando 10 Años en Yucatán"
My Sister´s Closet: 10th Annual Fashion Show, Boutique, Silent Auction, Raffle
Thursday January 23, 2020 12:30-4:00 pm
This fashion show celebrated our program being in the Yucatan for 10 years. The costumes, music, entertainment and food reflected the Yucatan.
10 years ago, the first Fashion show began in the backyard of Bev Melchior with 80 guests and has grown to 264 guests only because of our amazing volunteers.
This year 78 volunteers with the support of Fashions Show Coordinator Jo-Anne Hugh, worked tirelessly behind the scenes for several months to make this the event of the season…not to be missed! One volunteer in particular has been an integral part of all 10 shows.. Karen Cloutier, take a bow!
Honored guests included
Mary Walberg, the organizer behind this event for the 1st 4 years
Comisario de Chuburná Puerto, Damian Cab Ek and his wife Maria
of the Primary School, Salvador Alvarado, Martin Gamboa
Mexican neighbour who donates use of her building for our computer centre..
Amira Osalde Pech
lawyer Mauricio Rojano and wife Claudia
Valle is our Administrator. At our
computer centre in the village, she supports us, and the students doing their
homework and participating in our English classes.
10 year old Mexican charity is overseen by volunteers. We want to say good-bye
and thank you to retiring board members
Hugh and Donna Smart.. and welcome Jennifer Moore, Maxine Newmark and Roxane
Schury who join Eva Laroi-May and I.
We have 109 students in
the program, 89 sponsors, 11 university students, and 34 students on our
waiting list.
is one part of our program. It ensures students receive school
supplies, uniforms, shoes, registration and exam fees.
second part is offering a computer centre with internet to all the students is
in the village in a space is donated by our Mexican neighbours. Our annual
Fashion Show and an anonymous donor ensures that computer centre stays open and
we have funds for projects with the local schools.
Click on the link for a pictoral tour of the Show. Enjoy, and thanks to photo services provided by Peter Petro...
We raised the most money ever at this show, $152,195.86 pesos. This is going to provide us with the opportunity to fulfill our wish lists with the local schools in the upcoming year as well as, enhance service at our computer centre for all Chuburná Puerto students.
Our students were once again an integral part of the show. Thanks to Gualberto, Giovanni, Sugeydi, Lesli, Manuel and Arlem y dance teacher Astrid Pech for dancing the Jarana.
Thanks to Gualberto and Giovanni for helping the models down the stage.
Thanks to Gael for helping behind the bar
Thanks so much to our Fashion Show Committee Chairpeople
Fashions Show Chairperson: Jo-Anne Hugh
Models: Sherri Sullivan & Lynda Fletcher
Boutique: Rebecca Gleason
Silent Auction: Roxane Schury
Food: Susan de Lima
Bar: Mike Dolman
Waiters: Karen Cloutier
Decorating: Leslie Colvin
and our 78 volunteers & 264 guests.
Thanks to Emerald Coast Solar for their continued corporate sponsorship and Mario from Sala de Fiestas Emily´s for a great venue.
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