2020: Before Covid 19

JANUARY 2020 started out with.   

Paying the inscriptions for the high school students and asking the schools for grades which are always delayed!...       

Changes to the Board. we said good-bye to Donna Smart (2013-2019) and Jo-Anne Hugh (2015-2019). Many of you would have had the pleasure of visiting your students with Donna who made what could be an uncomfortable meeting, pleasurable. Jo-Anne made sure we all stayed on task as well as collecting the grades, identifying students who needed visits and chairing the Fashion Show Committee.  We cannot say thank you enough for the commitment these women showed over the years to the program. 

We are also saying hello to our newest board members, Jennifer Moore, Maxine Newmark, and Roxane Schury.  

Fashion Show. A great deal of January was spent putting the final touches on the Fashion Show including connecting with the students who we wanted to be a big part of this year´s show... Celebrando 10 Años en Yucatán.... They would be in traditional costume, dancing the Jarana... greeting guests as they arrived...and helping the models down the stairs.... 

Click on the link below for Fashion Show photos .

Fund-raising: In addition to matching sponsors with deserving students we offer a computer centre, tutoring, english classes to all the students of Chuburná Puerto.  This year´s Fashion Show, "Celebrando 10 Años en Yucatán" was a hit.  We made a net profit of 150,545 pesos!!!.. Thanks to our 78 amazing volunteers and 264 generous guests!.

This money is allocated to:
  • the operation and development of the computer centre including:
a)  fund for the replacement of computers, and for the semi-annual maintenance contract and the insurance.
b) a plan to add solar to offset the cost of adding an air conditioner to ensure a clean, comfortable space for students and beneficial to the computers.
c) improving our internet 
  • a contingency fund in case a tropical storm, hurricane or pandemic prevents the next fashion show from happening or in case we need to move to a larger space requiring some renovation.
  • tutoring, eyeglasses and english classes
  • projects with the schools in Chuburná are in the planning stages. ..... 

FEBRUARY was a busy month as we:

Paid for the books on behalf of the COBAY students directly to the school. This was the first time parents did not have to find the money to pay and then be reimbursed by us.  

Facetimed with sponsors : Student Ayram got to FaceTime with her sponsors who are the students of Clubview Elementary.  They had fund raised for a tablet to send to Ayram .  Thanks to Donna Camp for making this happen.

Organized Tutoring. We signed a new contract with Education Student Jesus Caamal to tutor our students. He did an an amazing job last year as student grades improved.                                                                                
Students Ana Piste, Airy Espadas, Alondra Palomar, Andres Manuel Reyes, Brayan,  Brigett, Danilu, Dana, Dana Caamal, Danilu Castro, Giovanni Puc, Jade Chi, Jonathon Cab, Jose Alejandro, Julio Tut, Mia Tzab,  Yesica Caamal, Zabdiel Gomez took advantage of this opportunity.                                                                              
We offer tutoring to any student who wants improve their grades but most specifically expect those who do not have grades of 8 or better to participate. We can offer it for free because of a wonderful donation of 70,000 pesos over two years specifically for tutoring from the World School of Boston.  

Airy, Jose, Danilu, Yesica, Brigitt, Dana ( just a few of the students who benefit from working with Jesus. 
José Alejandro


Ana Patricia

Andres Manuel 


Jesus Marcelino

English Classes commenced both at the office and for thegrade 9 students at the secondary school thanks to the initiative of Candace Ducharme and Sherri Sullivan. We have been trying for a long time to get into the school to teach english and finally it is happening and during school hours too !!! 

At the office, volunteers Jamie, Jim Ducharme, Jennifer Moore, Myra King, Sonya Damon and Mindy Mathius supported the classes.  


Jemina, Alexa, Gael, Joshuan, Andres Manuel, Esmeralda Marison, Esmeralda Guadalupe, Jade, Ruth, Danilu, Clementina, Axel, Abraham Eli, Silvana

Supported the Escolta. Congratulations to our students who form the Honor Guard at Guadalupe Victoria Tele Secondariaand who attended a special event in Merida: "We promote love of the country from school". 
Brigette, Clementina, Damaris, Fernanda, Genesis and Laura Noemi were chosen by the school because of high grades, a positive attitude to learning and excellent deportment.

We are proud that all 6 students are in the program. We pay for their uniforms and shoes.

Thanks to Director Sergio and Secretary Alina for organizing. Our program paid for the combie. 

Meetings with Directors of primary and secondary schools were held along with our bi-annual delivery of toilet paper, hand soap and sanitary napkins. 

Both directors reviewed our applications helping us to prioritize as they know the families. They also identified students who we should solicit applications from.
Both schools are going to receive state gov´t grants this year. 

The secondary school plans to upgrade plans to computer in the computer centre we and the World School built with them 6 years ago. We are paying Israel Roch to determine which of the existing computers are salvageable and which are not. We may also help with the cost of the internet.              

The primary school´s grant will be used for new doors, windows, plumbing and electrical. It cannot be used for construction. 

Our program has allocated 100,000 pesos to enlarge two classrooms; one of which is 180 sq.ft. for 18 students and one teacher. The other is 273 sq.ft for 22 students and a teacher. The students literally have to crawl over chairs and tables to get to their seats.

  • Enrolled 4 new students into the program.

On behalf of the Board, our 113 students, 9 university students and their families, GRACIAS for your continued support.

 If you want to help out with the English classes or the tutoring or anything else please do not hesitate to contact me... If you have questions about the program please also be in touch!  

Then Covid 19 happened and everything changed!... 



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