A new semester for our 41 High School Students:

For students NOT IN OUR PROGRAM,  it is necessary for parents to pay for the registration fees of 580-700 pesos at the bank which often means standing in long lines.... and then  to the high schools to stand in more lines to show the receipt. 

Then the same happens again for their books which are 650 -700 pesos.. A long line at the bank and then at the school to pick up the books.

BECAUSE OF YOUR SPONSORSHIP together with  MARIO THE SUB DIRECTOR AT COBAY, AND MERCY, THE REGISTRAR AT CETMAR , Roxane and Ligia made the trip to COBAY and Dorothy to CETMAR high schools to pay directly for our students.... A trip to the bank was necessary to pay for the books but then Dorothy went  to COBAY to collect the books for distribution back in Chuburná Puerto.  

Parents do not have to miss work, or spend money on combies back and forth several times to Progreso; nor do they have to pay the registration fees of 580-700 pesos, nor the 650-700 pesos for the books.  

This is a huge help to the families as there is no fishing, few government supports, and  so many are struggling.  It also ensured minimal exposure to many other people and so was Covid efficient


35 handwritten COBAY receipts..

Mario, the Sub-Director at COBAY is saving Dorothy a trip by typing up the letter she forgot to bring for the official receipt. ( FACTURA)

Payment for CETMAR students 

Mercy at CETMAR is true to her name, always 
helpful as we register our students for each semester                                                             

TEXT BOOKS  AT COBAY:  (Cetmar & TeleB Students do not buy books so                                                   they receive school supplies) 

                            Mario making sure we get the books we need for 35 students

Great Service:  


Books bound for Chuburná Puerto                 

We will be meeting this week with 7 high school students who are struggling with learning on-line and subsequently have failing grades. We will be offering free tutoring and to see if there are any other supports we can offer, such as a cell phone on loan. 

Students can write a second exam to improve their grades.  The cost is 100 pesos each.  We just had one student write 4 of these so his mom had to find 400 pésos which at this time in the village is not easy. We reimburse for this expense so that the families can encourage their student to study and write...rather than having to decide between exams and food. 

If you have words of encouragement for your student, or want to send them information about your life with photos we are always happy to receive them at ligia@apoyochuburna.com... to be translated and printed ... Students are always excited to hear from their sponsors especially now!

Directors Dorothy, Jennifer and Roxane, and Administrator Ligia 


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